Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Rhema Voice Season 1 List of 25 Contestants

As part of its corporate social responsibility and unrelenting service to society, Rhema TV a broadcasting network in Ghana last Saturday unveiled the shortlist of auditioned contestants who made it to the top 25 margin.

Rhema Voice, the first Gospel Reality Show was inspired by Bishop Edwin Ewusie Brookman CEO of Rhema TV and head pastor at Grace Gospel Ministries.

The 25 contestants who are now housed at a most convenient location within the capital were selected from different parts of Ghana after Rhema TV's regional auditions.

Last Saturday was eviction free night for the contestants as they were introduced to the judges and the audience. The show was live on Rhema TV as the contestants exhibited their God given talents on stage at Studio B.

For more updates on #RhemaVoice follow @VoicesRhema on Twitter or Rhema Voice Season 1 on YouTube.

Prophetic Fruit Service With Bishop Ewusie Brookman

If you are willing and obedient,you will eat the good of the land. Be my guest this morning 9am for the #PropheticFruitService and 2pm for the Counseling session @ the GGM Sanctuary. I cant wait to preach and prophesy.See you soon.

- Bishop Brookman


Tweet @bishopebrookman

Monday, 5 November 2018

Cat Demon Attacks Boy Who Got Delivered By Ewusie Brookman

Shocking news that transpired on Rhema TV this evening could be most definitely described as a pure display of  the miraculous power of God. On today`s "Time with the Bishop" which airs from 8pm to 10pm on Rhema TV, viewers had the opportunity to listen to prophetic teachings,good guidance, and interact with Bishop Edwin Ewusie Brookman, head pastor of Grace Gospel Ministries (GGM Worldwide)

During the interactive part of the live TV program, some callers expressed their profound gratitude for the wisdom teachings, others used the opportunity to request for prayer from the man of God to deliver them. Among these callers was a young boy who had been suffering from a cat demon attack which comes to kiss him in his sleep. With a short word of prayer, Bishop Brookman delivered the young man instantly without having to touch him or pour any oil on him.

For a close encounter with the power of God in the true prophetic calling follow @bishopebrookman on Twitter or Ewusie Brookman Ministries of Facebook.