The trumpet of doom was blown this morning on the golden facebook wall of the Queen Afia Schwarzeneger. This time, the culprit was no other than Akwasi Aboagye, the host of Peace Fm`s entertainment review show who must have dared sleeping dogs to wake and bite.
Akwasi Aboagye is the publisher of Razzmatazz news paper, an entertainment news paper and gossip centre for Ghana celebrity rumors. While many shameless Ghanaians were still building an ``anti-schwar`` empire against queen Afia Schwarzeneger for her bravery and wisdom in the erstwhile feud with the juju prophet Obinim, Razzmatzz newspaper did not take caution from the lashes that cause Obinim to disappear from the scenes, but dared to encounter the heat.Afia Schwarzeneger, the goddess of Ghana entertainment this morning seemed furious about her photo on the cover page of Razzmatazz Newspaper with the caption ``CELEBRITIES BEING EXPOSED BY BLOGS/WEBSITES``. From a far perspective one would ask why Queen Afia would attack Akwasi Aboagye knowing they both belong to the Despite multimedia group, and are both radio broadcasters. Yet, the fact cannot be overlooked that Afia Schwarzeneger is not the type of comedian that the media can mess with.
Though the real story in the Razzmatzz newspaper has not yet reached the desk of Red Paper Online, the post on Afia`s facebook page indicated that Akwasi Aboagye had stepped on the wrong toes. According to a subsequent photo posted this morning by the goddess, in which she was beautifully smiling her golden smile in what appears to be an Airforce uniform, the caption reads....
.``They said I wasn't flying .. pls this is not Ashawo uniform wai..This is a uniform of alligence air pty crew that was flying for air congo.I pity u Akwasi Aboagye n ur hungry blogger friend,who is also homeless in Uk Chris Shit or whatever ,I just hope those lies n attempts build u an empire cos am building mine from ur hating.``
In another status update, the god-queen made it clear that Akwasi Aboagye and his blogger friend were mere hungry folks who wanted to make money from her name. The post reads...
.`I forbid this useless news paper to write anything abt are slaves of some cheap blogger n please stay away from me. Akwasi Aboagye stop making money of my name it won't feed u and ur hungry blogger friend. If u want to discuss anything pls discuss urself n ur "small member".....hehehe
I guess I have sounded clear``
I guess this would be clear enough to Akwasi Aboagye and friends who I believe are not ready for what might come next from Schwar Movement 4 lyf.
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